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November Schedule


Come fly with me...


It's getting close to the end of the year and a thought struck me recently: even if I can't see new movies in the cinema, I can still see 2020 releases online, can't I? So that's what a lot of this month is going to be, catching up on movies I should've already watched, even if they were never going to get a big-screen showing.

Also, there's a small change in reviews of games, as there are some titles that simply don't suit being played at great length and aren't intended to be experienced that way either - at least, I hope they're not! As a result, there may be the occasional post containing a handful of 'micro-reviews' to gather these games together.

I don't quite know yet the format of these posts, but I do know that there absolutely won't be any scores assigned, because they're effectively designed to be throwaway, insubstantial experiences. Hopefully my opinions on any of these games will get across pretty clearly, as there's going to be one included that I really didn't like.


Thursday 5th November - movie review: V for Vendetta

Come on, if any movie was going to be reviewed on this date, it had to be this one, didn't it?

Monday 9th November - game review: Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown

The first of two flight games to be reviewed this month, albeit this isn't quite as serious an endeavour as the following title...

Thursday 12th November - game review: Microsoft Flight Simulator

...Which makes me ask if this really counts as a 'game'? I mean, it has 'Simulator' right there in the title! Still, I say it counts as a game for review purposes and that's that.

Monday 16th November - TV review: Sherlock | Season Four

We finally come to the end of the show (even if there always seem to be rumours of more episodes to come), but how will it end? It's not exactly on an upwards trend though...

Thursday 19th November - movie review: Enola Holmes

As if one Holmes wasn't enough, here's another! And the first 2020 movie to be looked at this month, so it'll hopefully make a good impression.

Monday 23rd November - movie review: Rebecca

I really, really like Lily James as an actress, so I'm already expecting good things from this even though I have no idea what it's about other than what the blurb on Netflix says.

Thursday 26th November - movie review: The Devil All the Time

I'll be honest and admit that the only thing I've ever seen Tom Holland in are MCU movies, so I'm curious to see what kind of range he has as an actor here.

Monday 30th November - movie review: The Old Guard

This looks like a fun way to end the month and I'm more than happy to watch Charlize Theron in just about anything.


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