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Games Are Big, Time Is Finite


Sometimes this can be a good thing, sometimes not so much.

Cal Kestis and BD-1 take in the view of the planet Koboh - from Star Wars Jedi: Survivor


- Yet again with no movies watched or re-watched over the last week, although I should explain why my movie-watching has dried up somewhat.

- A friend of mine who loved movies as much as I did got very ill at the start of the pandemic and is now considered immunologically-compromised to quite a high degree.

- As me and my other friends are not arseholes, we were never going to cut her out of activities, but it has meant a change to how we socialise.

- This means avoiding crowds like you would see in the first few weeks of a new movie's release, which rules out seeing them right away.

- Even then, waiting for a movie to be out a few weeks means that movie is shown less often, and usually only at times when the cinemas will be expecting most people to buy a ticket.

- Also, a lot of movies still head to streaming pretty quickly, and the temptation to just wait until we can watch a film together as a small group remains strong.

- Regarding re-watching movies, we haven't had a movie night recently, and also there's the title of this post to take into account, which I will mention more below.


- As the title says, games are big, or at least they can be very big these days, sometimes unnecessarily so.

- This isn't always a bad thing, as I loved both Baldur's Gate 3 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey despite putting ~200 hours into each of them.

- What it does mean is that it can take a while to get through one, like the pictured Star Wars Jedi: Survivor above, which I've currently put just under 28 hours into and am about 55-60% of the way through the story from checking online.

- Now this is mostly due to me enjoying exploring the large areas made available to the player, but not exactly conducive to getting to writing about it or having the time to play other games or, as above, watch/re-watch movies.

- So this is really just an explanation why there's no game being written about this week and possibly until I finish Jedi: Survivor, although I might find a shorter game to get through in the meantime.


- As for TV shows, I'm hoping to do better in the future and was only a couple of episodes short of writing about The West Wing's sixth season this week.

- I have seen those final episodes multiple times before, but not for years and didn't want to half-ass reviewing a season without re-experiencing the climax as properly intended.

- Also, I've got another free month of Amazon Prime again, so may put off The West Wing's final season and try and blast through a bit more of The Boys and maybe start Invincible, just to break things up.

- After all, it's a lot easier to fit in an episode or two of a TV show into a day than a 2-3 hour long movie or a 60+ hour game...



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