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Death and Taxes


Two things that are both disliked and inevitable - is combining them really a good idea?

Two of the characters you'll meet in Death and Taxes


- I have been really ill over the last week (and still am!), so no movies have been watched or re-watched to even mention here.

- I was reminded that I do still have iTunes installed though, and a number of movies purchased that I haven't yet reviewed.

- Going through those films will be a lot quicker than a streaming service's library, so that'll be next.

- Then I can finally uninstall iTunes and save all my music to a thumb drive or something so I can get over 30Gb of disk space back!


- Death and Taxes is a strange game in that it isn't bad in the slightest, with everything working apparently as intended, but there's also nothing particularly noteworthy about it.

- The dialogue is fun, but balanced out by the voice actors speaking in a very deliberate manner, making it boring to interact with them on a second playthrough.

- I like that the Reaper you play as recognises when you're playing New Game+, but it only really adds flavour to some of the conversations rather than being an important point.

- Deciding who lives or dies reminds me of Papers, Please, but, unlike that game, this one doesn't really give you any reason to care about the people whose fates you're deciding.

- There are multiple endings and, fortunately, those NG+ runs can be completed quite quickly, but there never felt like any real to do so beyond getting what I felt were the best and worst endings.

- And that's the story of this game: everything moment of real promise goes unrealised, while anything that might be a flaw is never that bad to detract from the experience.

- I have no real complaints about Death and Taxes, but neither can I fully recommend it either; maybe give it a try if it's cheap in a sale and see if it clicks for you? [5/10]


- The West Wing's fifth season is done and dusted: review next week!




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