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Blog | Woozy Tuesday


The Sith Warrior's ship heading for yet another mission in Star Wars: The Old Republic

Just a quick one today as I'm not feeling too great and the heat certainly isn't helping.


I was wondering what to do for tomorrow, but fortunately finished the first chapter of the Sith Warrior's story on Sunday, so a review of that part of Star Wars: The Old Republic will go up on the site as I was very pleasantly surprised by just how well the story was told.

I also forgot that I'll be seeing Mission: Impossible - Fallout on an IMAX screen tomorrow night, so expect a review of that on Thursday. I really enjoyed the last one and am looking forward to the same group coming back, as well as what looks like a fantastic addition in Henry Cavill.

Friday will still be the review of the finale to the first season of Telltale's Tales from the Borderlands, with a look at the season as a whole following next week. Keeping with games, God of War should almost certainly be finished off this week, so a review of that will also be up in the near future.

I'm halfway through Agent Carter's first season now, but the plan for that is still next Wednesday. I first watched it week-by-week on TV, but 'bingeing' it on blu-ray has shown up some odd pacing, with the season still feeling like it's only just getting going by the end of it's fifth episode of eight.


The team are now out in Singapore and should be okay with the heat thanks to constant sunshine wherever they go right now. They'll be facing decent opposition in Atletico Madrid and PSG while out there, so that should be a good indicator of how good this team is after those matches.



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