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An Unscheduled Interruption


Time is a precious commodity, and I have so very little of it right now.


This is going to be a short, short, short post, because I quite literally no time to spend on anything other than this quick bit.

I do have a movie to write about (Which one? Wait for next week... hopefully), but I simply haven't had the time to actually write and won't get the time needed before this post goes up at 8pm GMT either.

What I will say is that watching said movie, completing two more chapters of 1000xRESIST and incremental advances in my replays of Baldur's Gate 3 and Mass Effect 2 are literally the only media consumption I've managed in the last week.

Annoyingly, actual grown-up responsibilities have had to take priority over that time, although they should hopefully be over and done with by the end of this week for normal 'service' to resume from next Wednesday.

I hope.



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