Blog | The Fate of Atlantis

My favourite game of 2018 has a DLC story-line with the same name as one of my favourite games ever, which is also the next game I'm playing to eventually review. Coincidence? Or... fate?
As for the change in font? The service I use has removed the usual font from use, so it's time to look for another going forward. There's always bloody something...
This Saturday will be a 'golden oldie' as I look back at Ghostbusters, which remains a very, very good movie - although it would be interesting to see the reaction if it was a new release today. There are a couple of moments that might stand out - hell, they already do for people looking back at it with today's sensibilities and it's very easy to see why they might put some people off.
As implied above, Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis is the game I'm currently playing through. It shouldn't take too long, as I've played it to completion many, many times over the years thanks to how damn good it is - so that should already let you know how I'll be writing about it.
And while Assassin's Creed Odyssey does have DLC also called The Fate of Atlantis being released episodically, I'll be waiting until the entire story has been released before playing through it. Fortunately, I still have the first DLC - Legacy of the First Blade - to play through and that adventure will be up next after Indy's adventure.
Clearing up the shows I've already started is the name of the game, and Orphan Black is up first. I've already reviewed the first season, so I'll be starting the second season this weekend and will hopefully have the review ready near the start of June. There'll be no stopping there as I'll head straight on to season three and that review should be done by the end of June. With only two seasons after that, I should have the entire run wrapped up by the end of July.
I did think (alright, hope) that the Europa League final was this week, so I could be done with football for the year, but the damn match is next week and so I have a little while longer to wait until I can put the season behind me and focus on what's in the site's title. The last football post for this year will be the Arsenal player rankings, which will be posted on Monday June 3rd.